what i went through and left behind.

Wall of Quotes

Trying to find deeper meaning in nonsense.
Trying to grow without hating the process.

-Mbak Siti Zahra Aisyah (SZA)

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.

-Albert Camus

All the brute chaos and every-man-for-themselves notion doesn’t change your capacity to be kind.

-A friend of mine🐤

Better resent than relent

– A slight rendition of The Sympathizer
  • Spiderman across the spiderverse might be the best movie I have ever watched in my entire life. Its style of animation, the story, the scores and the soundtracks. Well, I am not gonna talk about the movie tho in this post. I guess it’s for another post as the story is still waiting to be…

  • Rubrik berjudul IANB ini berisi tulisan seputar sifat-sifat orang atau hal-hal yang gw benci. It contains my offensive writings, my uncensored dark thoughts and my mean judgements. Unfiltered and unbothered. If you are reading this and you’re offended, too bad for you because i Ain’t No Bitch. Gw ingin mengklaim bahwa gw adalah orang yang…

  • Ini adalah kisah perjalanan pertama kali gw ke luar negeri. Bersama 3 orang teman, Dhika, Theo dan Ghazi, gw berangkat ke Taiwan untuk ikut program internship. Kami naik maskapai scoot dengan penerbangan transit. Negara transitnya adalah Singapura, kami sengaja memilih penerbangan dengan jadwal transit yang cukup lama dan arriving time di siang hari supaya bisa…

  • Met sore all. Uyes, I strongly believe in mental well being yah.. Jadi… setiap mulai semester baru gw selalu menjadwalkan konseling diiii Klinik Makara <33. Gw waktu itu tau dari mbak Al kalo ada layanan konseling grates bagi mahasiswa/i UI. My first experience itu nyoba-nyoba doang sih, not actually sedang stres or apa gitu. Pas…

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Currently On Repeat
